Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3rd time is a charm...

So, I have tried this blogging thing with no success two times already! Here is to hoping that, like the popular saying, the 3rd time is actually a charm.

I rose to the occasion and pinned a 31 day blog challenge in the hopes that it will challenge me to do it every day. So here is to the challenge and day 1:

Day 1- Introduction and recent photo
Most of you that will be reading this know me already but here are a few short bullet points
*I'm Kayla
*I am married to this guy
*I am a teacher to 22 four and five year olds
*I love music in many different forms
*I am addicted to pinterest
*I have a cat named Poppy and she looks like this
*I love God and try to serve Him with my life
*My drink of choice is wine and I love to eat

See you tomorrow with more facts about me!

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